Off the Mat, Into the Home

Off the Mat, Into the Home


Off the Mat, Into the Home 
by KiraGrace Warrior Micara Link

Parenting Is Yoga

It cracks us open and wakes us up. It reminds us of our purpose, amplifies our truth, and grounds us into the present moment. We’re required to draw on our strength, embrace our flexibility, cultivate patience, extend grace, and most of all, surrender.

The power of its practice is subtle, yet deep. It’s primal, innate, and natural. It opens us up to an ever-permeating power of love within us that we may have never known existed.

This is yoga.

This is parenthood.

As a yoga teacher and mother, I see the parallels between these two very special and important pieces of my life every day. My role as a mother informs my practice on the mat, and my practice on the mat informs my role as a mother. They are both great teachers, clear mirrors to who I am, and insightful tools that assist me in deepening my own journey of healing and self-discovery.

Since becoming a mother, my personal yoga practice has changed. My mat has become both a microscope and a sanctuary.

As a microscope, my practice reveals to me the ways in which I respond to stress, tension, expectations, and discomfort. Motherhood is around-the-clock demanding, our nervous systems are constantly in a heightened state of flight-or-fight, our environment can be very unpredictable, and that’s just the beginning! Motherhood offers you some of your greatest joys, but can also reveal to you some of your greatest fears. Parenting is transformational on all levels, and with any transformation, stress is a natural part of the course.

When I use my yoga and meditation practice as opportunities to greet my tension with greater self-love, kindness, compassion, and care, I notice that these very same practices become more natural off the mat.

As a place of sanctuary, my practice is time for just me. It’s space away from all of the demands and endless tasks to accomplish. This sacred time is for radical self-care; giving to myself in a mindful and nurturing way so that I can more attentively show up for my family.

Off the Mat, Into the HomeAs parents, we are the foundation of our home. We set the tone, energy and environment. We are resources for our children - they look to us for safety, security, and direction. What we cultivate in our own heart and how we respond to the highs and lows of our life, sets the stage for our children. Our inner environment directly affects our outer environment.

When we give ourselves the time to practice, in whatever way, shape, or form that takes, we are able to come back to our family in a whole new way. Yoga changes us; it brings us back to center and grounds us in truth. We are not our stress. We are love.

Children have a way of showing us exactly who we are and so does our yoga practice. This insight is the key to transformation. Transformation is the key to healing. If we wish to create a world of unity, peace, connection, and love, we must start within our own heart and within our own home. As Mother Teresa once said, “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”

Parenting is a divine invitation to do real, transformational, life-changing work on this planet. It is the foundation from which our world will continue to evolve and grow. May we, as parents, take our practice off the mat and into the home.

Parenting is YogaMicara Link is a Certified Yoga & Meditation teacher, Soul Coach, Reiki Master, Activist, mother of two, and creator of Heart Tribe Apparel, an eco-conscious clothing line. From an early age, Micara has been deeply drawn to humanitarianism, activism, holistic healing, and social change.

Her all-inclusive classes and workshops are transformational, therapeutic and healing with emphasis on breath, mindfulness, self-inquiry, and spirituality.

Whether it’s in the studio, the community, or in the privacy of a private session, Micara has helped hundreds of people achieve greater peace, happiness, purpose, and growth. This work is her passion, purpose, and love. She feels honored to share it with those whom she is privileged to meet.

You can connect with Micara on Facebook or Instagram. 

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